Sustainable developmentCMC has the courage to take responsibility

Sustainable Development

Our vision is 'to be the global leader in photopolymer materials and a company that users will praise'. We believe that to be a leader in the industry that our customers will praise, we must plan for the future and act decisively in the present! We have made sustainability a core element of our business and have been focusing on three areas of critical importance: technology, environment and safety.


We are committed to "product development", which is our vision and goal.
We have become a global leader in photopolymer materials and a company that users praise for its commitment to solving many global social and environmental challenges. In turn, it creates a new sustainable value for all our stakeholders. This philosophy perfectly illustrates the way we see the future and the actions we will take to make our vision a reality.
CMC is committed to providing innovative solutions to help create a more sustainable, healthier and more comfortable living environment by adhering to a people and planet-oriented approach and actively using electricity produced from renewable resources for manufacturing to minimize our carbon footprint.
Human-induced climate change and resource/energy depletion are already having a profound impact on global ecosystems and the social environment. That's why we see reducing our carbon footprint as a priority goal of our strategy. To keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, we have set ambitious goals for our business in the short, medium and long term.
Carbon Neutral by 2025, Climate Positive by 2030
Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality in greenhouse gas emissions from our headquarters and R&D centers by 2025; by 2030, we want to achieve positive climate benefits. This means that we will reduce our emissions in line with scientific recommendations to meet the Paris Agreement targets.


Safety first is our social responsibility and a philosophy that we upholds.
Safety is at the heart of everything we do for our employees, partners, communities and customers.
If something doesn't meet our strict safety standards, we put a stop to it, regardless of the cost or business impact this may have. Safety comes before everything else!

Corporate Social Responsibility

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